London's Best Christmas Carol Concerts
Explore London's best Christmas carol concerts this year, promising enchanting music and a festive atmosphere.
London Christmas Shopping Itinerary
From Covent Garden to Mayfair, discover all the best shopping, dining, and cultural experiences in London this Christmas.
London Cocktail Week
Discover the events you don’t want to miss for London Cocktail Week at Red Carnation Hotels from the 12th - 22nd October 2023.
Things to do in London this Autumn
As the leaves begin to fall, discover the best things to do in London this autumn.
The best walks in London
Uncover hidden gems and iconic cultural landmarks with our favourite walks in London.
What's On in September in London
As the last of the summer sun shines over London, discover the best things to do in the vibrant capital this September.
How to spend three days in Kensington this summer
Take a look at our three-day itinerary on how to spend the summer in our local neighbourhood, unraveling the charm of royalty, shopping, and culture.
Introducing ShelleyTheArtist: Resident Artist
Join us as we explore the history and personality of Red Carnation's new Resident Artist, Shelley Levy.
The best parks in Kensington
From royal palace gardens to sprawling open spaces, there's something for everyone to enjoy.
An architectural history of The Milestone Hotel
Uncover the history of our beautiful 5 star property and its intricate architectural design, resonant of Victorian England architecture.
Personalised London experiences
At The Milestone, we have partnered with Beyond Curated to offer guests a unique series of individually tailored, private experiences in London.
Welcome back to The Milestone
We're excited to be reopening our doors and welcoming back guests from the 17th May.